That mission accomplished, I was left with a blank wall in the hallway. I remembered a picture that I bought at Target a few months ago. The deep blues and greens in the picture would look great against the brushed-suede, terra cotta wall. I know I bought it, but couldn't remember where I put it. I know I never hung it, because it didn't come with the wire attached, and I couldn't find any wall space for it. I have torn this house up looking for it, but it hasn't turned up anywhere. How could I have misplaced something that is 4' x 3'? There aren't that many hiding places in this little, old house!
After a few days of searching, I gave up and bought something new to cover the blank space in the hallway. I saw it on sale at BJ's and I think it matches the wall pretty good. I'm sure the Target picture will show up soon, now that I once again have no place to hang it!
I think the picture would look nicer sitting atop a DVD Player...or would that be ridiculous?