Spoils of the Day!
I had an early wake up call today-- the alarm went off at 4:30am. That's just not right- especially on a Saturday, when the rest of the world is sleeping in. Anyway- the alarm sounded and I hit the snooze button the obligatory 2 times. I get 9 minutes rest between each snooze button, but I set my alarm clock 18 minutes fast so that I can get up early enough to hit the snooze buton twice and actually get out of bed at the time that I originally plan to. I know it's crazy, but that's how I roll!
Anyway, I had an early catering job at GA State, followed by a couple of hours of folding and bagging some new T-shirts for the restaurant. Then Delia and I headed to Phipps Plaza for a cooking demo. The theme of the demo was "weekend brunch", and we served omelets, sausage links, arugala salad and biscuits to a packed house! I always enjoy spending time with Delia outside of the office- we talk about things that we would never discuss at work. On days like this, I think of her more as a friend than an employer. It's good bonding time, combined with good PR.
As a reward, I came home with some new cookware that looks fabulous hanging from my rack in the kitchen- Calphalon sautee pans, sauce pans, frying pans-- all with glass lids. The sautee pan is teflon coated, and everything else is brushed stainless steel- thick and heavy with beautifully curved handles. Real quality stuff that I would never be able to afford in my wildest dreams! Now I just have to save up some money to buy some groceries so I can actually try the new stuff out!
Tomorrow is Sunday-- a rare day off! I'm going to church in the morning and then I have no plans at all for the rest of the day! I am so looking forward to a day of napping on the sofa and doing absolutely NOTHING! I don't think I have any more days off the rest of the month, so I have to make this one count!
I want you to know I paid a whole $7.98 for cooking pans that look just like that (almost) but I haven't used them yet and doubt that I will. Just couldn't resist the price!! Have a nice day off and look forward to your upcoming vacation.
7:47 AM
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