The Adventure Continues...
We left Huntsville Tuesday morning and took the short drive to Lynchberg, TN- to visit the Jack Daniels Distillary. It was a great tour, although it was an extrememly long walking tour, and not exactly what the doctor ordered for Mom, who is still recovering. But she made it and we had a good time.
A few hours later we found ourselves in Chattanooga. We didn't do much in Chattanooga, besides eating and sleeping. The next morning we left for Pigeon Forge! Dollywood was a trip-- lots of fun rides and good food. I think the theme of every ride is "You're Going to Get Wet!". And we did. Luckily we were able to rent a motorized scooter for Mom, so the day was a little easier for her, and us.
Today I'm writting from the Rivers Edge Mountain Lodge, in Gatlinburg, TN. My shoes are still wet from yesterday's adventure. I am writting on what must be the oldest, slowest computer known to man! Please forgive the spelling errors on this blog- it's hard to get a word typed, much less corrected! I'm not sure what we're doing today- probably just shopping, etc. We're having supper at the Dixie Stampede tonight-- the dinner is accompanied by a horse show... Ashley will love it! We hit the road tomorrow morning and will hopefully be home sometime in he early afternoon. I'm ready to get back to my own bed! And I miss my puppies!
Did Keisha see Dolly????????
10:29 AM
As I predicted, Dolly was nowhere near Pigeon Forge during our visit. Keisha was disappointed, but her spirits were lifted when she discovered the "As Seen on TV" store near Dollywood! That store sells all of the items that you see on those late night infomercials and TV ads. She bought a Thigh Master, a Chia Pet, a "Buns of Steel" video, a set of Ginsui knives and and a Pocket Fisherman. After that, she didn't give Ms. Parton another thought.
11:21 PM
Remind me not to pis- Keisha off now that she has a set of Ginsui knives! Also I believe Melisha needs to borrow the video!!!
9:05 AM
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