Daily thoughts by a guy that doesn't like to think deeply too often!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meeting the Familly

Here's a picture of me with Michael's mother, taken last Thursday night. It was Michael's birthday and he invited her to join us at the Tavern to celebrate. I was a little nervous about meeting the family so soon, but everything went well. I really enjoyed talking to and getting to know his Mom.

On Sunday, we went to his Mom's house for the family celebration of Michael's birthday. I met brothers, sisters, neices, nephews, aunts, cousins, etc. Mrs. Hill cooked lots of great food and we had a really fun time together. Michael's family was great and they welcomed me with open arms. I felt like part of the family.

I'm looking forward to introducing Michael to my family. I don't know when that will be, but I'm sure they will be just as welcoming. Fingers crossed!


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