Daily thoughts by a guy that doesn't like to think deeply too often!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Highlights of the Past Week

I'm sorry that I am posting on such an irregular basis lately. I've been really busy! Below are some of the highlights of things I would have written about, had I had a chance to sit down and blog!
First of all was the costume party we went to in Smyrna last weekend. It was a lot of fun, but I can't give a lot of details-- to protect the innocent!

Veggie Soup Day! Michael and I went totally domestic this week! We bought lots of fresh produce and made gobs of vegetable soup. We had so much going that we had to get a second pot! After our stomachs were filled, we bagged up the leftovers and filled the freezer. It's going to be great on a cold Winter day to be able to pull out a bag of soup and heat it up!

We cleaned the leaves and dead plants out of the ponds and installed a new fish spitter. I'm sure the fish will be happier now! In the process, I found a huge bullfrog living in the smaller pond. I think there are a couple in the larger pond, too-- but they didn't show themselves this week-- must be hibernating already!

The firepot! We got a Mexican Chimenia (sp?) and some new window boxes for the house. We had to rearrange the plants and pumpkins, but found the perfect spot for the firepot. After everything was in it's place, we had our friend Lynn over for some veggie soup on the patio. Good times!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you for protecting the innocent and keeping the interest of national security in mind... You know I got in big trouble when I sent pictures with the title of the party to Steve a few years ago!

9:27 PM


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